Should I Take Math or Physics at A Level?

Mathematics and physics are two of the most difficult subjects available at A Level. Both require logical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. If you're considering studying engineering at university, you'll likely need A-levels in Mathematics and at least one other science, usually Physics. Even if you don't plan to take any physics classes beyond the introductory level, you'll need to understand some mathematical concepts—algebra, geometry, and trigonometry—to keep up with the class.

And if you plan to specialize in physics or continue your education in physics, you'll also need a good understanding of higher mathematical concepts. Physics students should be familiar with the concepts of two-dimensional Euclidean geometry, giving them an understanding of concepts such as congruence, similarity and symmetry, as well as analytical geometry, including vectors in Cartesian, polar, and spherical coordinates. Taking both mathematics and physics at A Level is important to gain a clearer understanding of the physics course, since mathematics allows you to learn and commit to the principles on which many formulas and laws of physics are based. Learning the importance of physics in design can help you understand the complexity of something as simple as a chair.

Physicists can be found in various industries, such as transportation, government, universities, military, secret service, game companies, research laboratories, and more. Theoretical physics uses mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena. Mathematics can help you be a better physicist or develop an innovative new medical treatment. In addition, mathematics is actually something that most students will struggle without when it comes to studying physics as an undergraduate degree.

With the introduction of quantum mechanics in physics, the field of probability suddenly became important in a way that it had not been before. Algebra is a fundamental element for the mathematical skills you will need in a university physics course. Stanford Pre-Collegiate University Level Online Math & Physics offers 13 courses throughout the year, providing students with an advanced offering of mathematics and physics courses that are not usually available in high schools. It's easy to assume that physicists care about why the universe exists and how everything works.