Is Physics a Good A Level Choice?

Physics is a highly respected A-level, and a good grade in physics at this level shows employers that you have the analytical and mathematical skills to apply to real-life situations. Studying A Level Physics will develop your reasoning, problem solving and analysis skills to the next level. It is also part of the band of four, which includes mathematics, chemistry and biology, and normally you must choose at least two A-levels to earn a variety of science degrees, including medicine and engineering. Physics is especially related to mathematics, so studying the two together can improve your skills in both. Along with career opportunities, qualifications in these areas open up and it's easy to see the benefits of taking A-levels in Physics and Mathematics.

This module covers the study of biological and medical subjects and the applications of physical principles and techniques in medicine. Physics doesn't seem boring or particularly difficult, but it can lead to a fascinating and satisfying career, whether your interests lie in theoretical or experimental physics. I am not a zombie, hopelessly trapped in my conformist destiny to follow in the footsteps of girls who have dropped physics before me. I could see the practical reasons for studying biology, but it was difficult for me to relate physics to my daily life. Physicists ask some important questions, but they specialize in different areas and their work can be varied. When it comes to choosing between physics and geography for my fourth AS level, I opted for the second one.

I thought it would be good to take a course in humanities to balance the sciences. I'm not saying that my male physics teachers dissuaded me from taking the subject, but a higher proportion of female teachers could inspire more girls to study it. In conclusion, studying physics at A Level can bring with it some interesting career opportunities. It will give you incredibly strong analytical and research skills, allowing you to approach problems and resolve them in a methodical and logical way. It is also an important part of the band of four which is necessary for many science degrees.